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Is there any possible help I have used in this site or not


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hi i have problem conecting with database :confused:

Failed to query databaseAccess denied for user ‘blahblah’@’%’ to database ‘blahblah’

im sure that user name and db name and password is corretcted ty !

If you have recently created then wait for sometime then try again!!!

What is your database and username please?

Failed to query databaseAccess denied for user ‘id577493_root’@’%’ to database ‘rfgd_19216717_login’

$conn = mysql_connect(“localhost”,“id577493_root”,“password”,“id577493_rfgd_19216717_login”);

i tried alot but cant solve it

can you login to this… using database name and password.


Can you make a username and database name like db1 and usr1 - id133333_db1 and id133333_usr1